Your generous donations help to plant God’s Word around the world so that people can meet Jesus.

Registered charity number 299943

“Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. “
(2 Corinthians 9:10-11)

Share God’s Word through Audio Bibles

For those who are blind, have impaired vision, or have never learned to read, the demand for Audio Bibles is immense. Your gift today is a lifeline, helping people hear and understand the Gospel, bringing the hope and salvation that only Jesus Christ can offer.

A world in need awaits the gift of God’s Word

Many still find themselves without a Bible of their very own. Your generosity bridges this gap, delivering Bibles to those eager to receive them.

Scriptures for China

This is your chance to be part of an amazing opportunity to put urgently needed Scriptures into the hands of those who yearn for them.

Bibles for the Persecuted Monthly Partner

Your generous monthly support will not only bring comfort but also sustain and strengthen believers through dark times.

Your gift can answer a child’s prayer for a Bible

By donating today, you can provide desperately needed Bibles for those who yearn for them.

Believers in Bangladesh need your help.

By donating today, you can provide desperately needed Bibles for those who yearn for them.

Muslim-majority countries.

Send Bibles to believers and seekers in the Middle East and beyond. Please help meet the urgent need for God’s Word in Muslim-majority countries.

Emergency Fund.

There is a critical need for Bibles in some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities, and you can help.

Send Bibles to Nicaragua and Latin America.

Help meet the critical need for Bibles in Nicaragua and across Latin America. £3.80 could provide a Spanish-language Bible for someone longing to receive it. Thank you.

Bibles for Ukrainian Refugees.

Ukrainian refugees are desperate for the comfort and strength of God’s Word. Just £3.80 is enough to provide a Bible.

Make a general donation.

To make a secure online donation to place Bibles where most needed please click below.